Today marks 2 weeks since we met Jude Daniel! He's already a different boy! I wish I could show him off to you, but we still haven't heard anything about guardianship. Linda, who works for our lawyer, was supposed to let us know when she heard something about our ruling. We never heard from her today, so hopefully tomorrow we will hear and maybe can apply for Jude's passport by Wednesday.
Chapel & Ms. Linda |
It's taken us about 2 weeks to figure out local places to eat, how much it should cost to take a boda places (they like to charge us 'mzungus' more), that our room does have hot water (yay!) you just have to flip a light switch to turn it on 30 minutes before you shower. In 2 weeks we've learned that the 'jam' (traffic) in town is always bad, how to warm up pizza in skillet, and discovered something similar to Nutella that makes the perfect dessert!
Today we had nothing on the agenda. Chapel is constantly playing outside with Micah, Anna and Kara. Jude and Judah joined in the fun today when Misty broke out the bubbles. The boys had a lot of fun, running, smiling and screaming. They are interacting and talking to each other in Lugandan. Judah was even yelling for Jude saying, "Danny!"
Tonight, is Africa documentary movie night. Chapel loves them! Jude Daniel is more concerned about climbing up and down Andrew.
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