On Our Way To You

On Our Way To You

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Long day at court

Today we left The Lodge at 8:00 a.m. and drove into town to visit Parliament and the Palace.  This was strongly encouraged to do before court at 11:00.  We enjoyed learning about different tribes in Uganda and have learned what tribe Jude is from, which is known for being a very strong, hard working people.

After our visit we headed to court. We sat in a room with his biological mom, grandfather and other witnesses from 11:00 a.m. until about 4:30 p.m.  Chapel was amazing...especially given the fact that we forgot to bring any entertainment for her (oops!). We had no ipad or games on our phones or books or any activity for her other than playing with Jude, who is currently perfectly content sitting next to us on a wooden bench.  So besides a trip to the potty, we sat... in a room... for 5 hours...without food.

Jude did fall asleep on me, so for 2 hours I did. not. move!

Once in court, the judge asked to speak to Jude's biological mother.  She had an interpreter, so hearing the interpreter and even understanding him was very difficult.  There were several times during this conversation/questioning of the mother that we got a little anxious.  At one point he asked her to hold Jude and repeatedly asked, "Do you want this boy?!" I never heard or understood her (the interpreters) answer.  After court Andrew said she responded by saying she wanted our family to take care of him. So thankful!

Next up was ME! Many of you know I prefer not to speak in public, so speaking in front of a judge was very intimidating, especially one who has the power to give or take away your child! He asked me questions for about 20 minutes!

So, the judge will not make a decision until Monday, September 15th at 4:00 p.m.  He will hopefully grant us verbal guardianship, then we will wait for a written statement of guardianship.

We believe everything will work out for what is best for Jude. Until then we will be lifting up many prayers and enjoy spending time with Chapel and Jude in Uganda. 

We are so thankful for all of your prayers! Please continue to pray for the process as well as for us and Jude.  He is very content...almost like he is scared to do anything.  I can't imagine what he is thinking, so as you pray, remember him too!

On another note...we really enjoy the place we are staying, BUT, have you ever seen a cockroach this ginormous?!  Let's just say when one of these decided to make its presence known on the headboard of Chapel and Jude's bed...when they were in it...bedtime was not happening! Keep in mind they were trapped in the bed by a mosquito net!

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