The past few mornings here it has been rainy, which means the snails come out, which means the kids spend all morning collecting them. Cara and Chapel have made a list of daily activities for the snails which include exercise and cleaning their shells. There are very tiny ones and ones that are pretty big. The girls have named them and on the larger ones, have wrote their name on their shell.
The girls put all the snails in the pot then one by one they would name it and put it back in the box. |
We have found out Jude is TERRIFIED of butterflies. We saw an injured one on the ground and he hysterically cried and stomped his feet while he ran away, flapping his hands. Thankfully, he's okay with the snails.
Jude Daniel checking out all the snails. |
The big snail in the middle has her name written on her shell, Old Ma. |
The past 2 nights the kids have gathered all the snails and put them in their 'home' which is an empty bottled water box. The next morning about half have escaped and are all over the porch.
As I am writing this, the house keepers just came and poured salt on each snail! Needless to say, the girls are not to happy about this and they are secretly rescuing the ones that they didn't see. :)
Yesterday, we left at 9:30 and got back about 6:30. We went to several different markets, ate lunch, and sat in traffic. I had many beads to buy and there were several colors that I had to request to be made, so we will be returning next Friday to get them!
Earlier this week we went into a book store at Quality. They were selling DVD's for less than $2.00. At that time Dolphin Tale 2 hadn't come out in the theater here, so Chapel was super excited to see it for sale. We bought it and weren't surprised when Chinese subtitles popped up, covering half of the screen. :) Chapel loved it anyway!
Might want to be careful with the snails. They are an extremely invasive species and carry meningitis.