Monday, Andrew recorded a message for church. No tripod made for an interesting setup. Here's a behind the scenes shot.
Twice this week we have had a snack or small lunch, then rode bodas to Quality to eat an early dinner/late lunch. After eating, on Tuesday, we walked to a basketball court that Andrew had spotted earlier in the week. There was a slide and some swings next to it, so Chapel and Andrew shot some hoops while Jude and I played.
Here's the entrance to the restrooms at Quality. What you can't see in this image, are the lights moving to show the boy pottying. :)
Tomorrow we are going into town to buy more beads at the local market. Thanks to all of you who have purchased necklaces to help buy Jude's plane ticket HOME! If you would like to purchase some for yourself or gifts you can here.
Please continue to pray for our process. We could still hear something tomorrow about Jude's passport and since we are already planning on going into town it would be very convenient to go then!
Here's Jude Daniel in his pajamas, walking back from breakfast this morning. He always runs his hand along the ledge on the wall. :)
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